Rules and Regulations

Groups will use the following categories for participation: 


100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Level 

Ensemble Classes are coded to reflect the grade level of music being performed. Entrance in a class is based on the performance test piece chosen from the MusicFest Concert Band Syllabus (2022-2023 Please try to use the Syllabus for competition. Directors may enter groups for adjudication only if they desire a non-competitive experience. 

We welcome Elementary School Bands to enter in a non-competitive category with pieces of their choosing to experience a festival and band trip with beginner players. 


Concert Bands and Orchestras: no size limit or instrumentation restrictions. Musical integrity is encouraged. Concert Bands/Orchestras are required to perform a maximum of 3 selections at their class levels as follows:

-One selection from the MusicFest Syllabus (test piece)

-Two additional selections in contrasting styles – own choice, we recommend a march

* Bands performing larger works with several movements (ie. Holst Suites etc.) should restrict selections to two works. Let total time allotment on stage be your guide, including set up, take down, tuning timpani, etc. Each group is given 30 minutes time on stage. 

** Each ensemble may perform a short warm-up chorale, which will not be adjudicated.


VICBF has a long history of providing viable educational experiences for school and community bands. VICBF is a regional festival of the Canadian Concert Band Festival (MusicFest Canada). 

Two-Year invitations will be awarded to MusicFest Canada 2023, as well as the 2024 festival. Decisions of adjudicators will be final.

An invitation may be held over one year until the 2024 festival provided you enter the group in a regional festival in 2023-24 and demonstrate a high performing standard (good or better).


-30 minute warm-up session in private space

-30 minute stage time including setup and takedown

-30 minute clinic with an adjudicator. On stage        

*No sight-reading component.


Superior – Excellent – Good – Participation.  

These will be based on the MusicFest adjudication standards. Groups exceeding their time allotment on stage will be penalised. Adjudicators marks are final.


Please provide TWO (2) sets of original scores. Photocopies not accepted unless supplied with letter of permission from the publisher. THIS INCLUDES CONCERT BAND SYLLABUS SCORES (We are not provided with syllabus scores for the adjudicators from MusicFest).

A USB Stick will be provided for each band performance with adjudicator comments over your performance and additional written comments will be returned to you before you leave the site. Directors, please remember to take your scores home with you from the Festival Registrar.


The entry fee is:

Deadline for entry:  MONDAY, February 12th, 2024.


There will be NO REFUNDS  for withdrawn groups beyond the deadline entry of Monday, February 12, 2024.


Performance times are allotted by date of receipt of application. First come first served. Spaces may be limited. The schedule will not be adjusted to accommodate groups who register after Monday, February 6th and bands will have to fit in based on available spaces.


Directors and students are responsible for their own equipment. VICBF staff will endeavor to provide secure storage areas.